I hopped on the 7:07
It's gonna take me
Straight up to heaven
While those suckers
Plow and struggle
Through the miry slough
Bogged down below
While we're up on this car
Drinkin' from an open bar
Playin' cards
And havin' a blast
We see their self
While we're up here
Takin' our intoxication
They say we're goin'
Much too fast
You've gotta take the way
That's slow and true
There's no cheatin' through
What you're doin's
Never gonna last
But we laugh at them
And keep on goin'
And our
Train ain't slowin'
It'll get there at seven
Or a quarter past
Meanwhile I met a girl
At the back of the train
And I ain't sayin'
But what a brain!
And we had ourselves a lot of fun
The pilgrims couldn't see us
Cuz we went into a tunnel
So we done what we done
Hidden from the sun
But - you guessed it
That tunnel didn't lead
Where I thought it would
We wound up where you go
When you're not so good
But I don't care
What's up there
When I got this little chick
Down here with me
And all those pilgrims
Well, they can
Take their reward
On the streets paved with gold
But whatever they got
It's not like what we've got
Whatever they've
Been told