She took a little sip of motor oil
She wrapped herself
In cellophane and aluminum foil
Just to find some peace
She's given up on trying tomatoes
So sleep deprived
That she was comatose
Alone with home remedies
Not trusting doctors
Who were craving paid vacations
They're not concerned
About the welfare of their patients
You could just stay home
Just don't breathe the air
Scary things are out to get you
She's seeing faces in the mirror again
She thinks that answers
Can be found with intuition
A pen and time
The little critters that surround her now
Are waiting to attack
And smack her poor ass down
Off this uphill climb
So put your gloves
And hypoallergenic head on
If you want to make it through
The armageddon
You want to survive?
Then don't drink the water
It's not from a Brita
Sweet was the sound
Of the laughter coming from a park
A lark was luring her closer
Before the door now
She stands with both hands extended out
About to let in the sun
Trembling and shaking
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes
Surprised the door was now open
She held it in
'Til she couldn't hold it in anymore
And when she squinted open her eyes
She saw beauty
Bustling and bright
Realized it was worth living
An abridged life