What a beautiful place when your presence comes in like a flood
What a beautiful place when I see you face to face, all that I can say
I worship you with all of my heart. I adore you with all that I am
Here in your presence, I long to worship you. When I think about your love, how you give all for me
When I think about your greatness, I stand in awe once again. Who am I that the Lord would love someone like me
I worship you with all of my heart. I adore you with all that I am
Here in your presence, I long to worship you. I just want to worship. I just want to praise. I just want to give you all I have
I just want to bow down, love and adore you
I love you. I love you. I love you
I love you, Lord. I love you. I love you. I love you, Lord
I love you. I love you. I love you, Lord