Johnny was a good, good citizen inna community where we used to live.
A humble, social man inna Society, respectful to the young and old
As a young man struggling for his future, through hardship he lost control.
Conniving with the bad company of the century Johnny, Johnny became a bad man.
No respect for human creation, terrorizing every one where ever he goes.
Looting their properties taking their lives, making them homeless every day.
Telling Them
This is not your motherland my friends, (Go back, Go back where you born).
Telling Them
This is not your country comrades (Go back, Go back we don't need you).
Now Johnny
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
(Johnny x2 and become a good man)
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
(Africans and live together us one)
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
( Jah People and try to unit) x 2
Bridge and Break
The brothers, the sisters, parents, relatives tried to advise Johnny but hesitant.
Till the long arm of the law, of the government came in Johnny prosecuted
Weeping in prisons. Yet according to the judge, Johnny commit a capital offence, and will stay in prisons
For the rest of his life.
Oh mamamai papapai Johnny's mama weeping on top of her voice
Saying this is impossible oh my sweet Johnny (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
What have you done to yourself boy (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) x2
Is this a reward that you were looking for? (Johnny x3)
Have you reaped from your sweat Johnny? ( Johnny x3)
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
(Johnny x2 and become a good man)
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
(Africans and live together us one)
Stop the practice of the xenophobia
( Jah People and try to unit) x 2
Till fed