Destruction erosion explosion dying being reborn
Earth Changing
Trees are dying Trees give air
Plants feed us Plants feed the World
It's not my fault It's your fault
You fix it We fix it
We Love the World we love the Planet
Keep us safe Love our Animals
Next generation its up to us
A decade to change a decade to reverse the pollution
You have to care they have to care
Love the World Clean the World
Change your thought Change the destruction
Reverse climate change reverse the overheating
Cool the planet bring our planet back to life
We need the barrier reef we need the ice the antarctic
The world will repair we need to help
Be creative think about your consumption
Care about what you throw away don't throw it away recycle
Think about what you use love the earth
Bring the earth back to life for our children's children's children
Cool the planet cool the World It's our world
Think about what you do we created it
Climate change its real its not a dream
Thirty years ago its still here its real it will destroy us
Humans will die the plants will regrow there will be a new planet
With no humans change the world change the way you think
Care about what you do destroy plastic we no longer want plastic
Alternative creative reuse don't throw away don't throw our planet away
Don't turn it dark its green its bright its alive bring our planet back
We can do it we all can do it love your planet it will love you