Arise. The sun of passion and affection peers over the dark horizon
The seemingly endless light beams into a field, filling every soulless crack and crater with luminosity
As this luminescence strikes onto you, you suddenly become lambent, almost as if you
Gained the sun's capabilities
The sun stays with you, illuminating the sky to its fullest extent
You glow, it glows, and the life glows around you
You wish for no finale as you see the sun reach the middle of the road
But the sun's perpetual trajectory is unknown to you
You begin to take heed of the sky as it begins to dim ever so slightly
The warm feeling of the sun diminishes as the strong winds of the inevitable nightfall hit you
You question the sun. Why, sun? Why leave? Didn't you enjoy engulfing the world with your light
Didn't you enjoy watching as the light bounced against my teeth while I smiled
The sun responded. Yes, I enjoyed every part
But I must revolve around this planet where time will stand still
I know you're sad. I know you're scared. But don't fret
This light will shine upon you again. Be patient and wait
You weep as you watch the sun and this light plunge over the horizon, fading
And finally putting the world under complete tenebrosity
You sat there with tears in your eyes, completely lost on what to do next
The chilly gale of the night ran straight into you, cracking your skin, causing you to bleed
At your lowest, you remember what the sun said
This light will shine upon you again
This message had meant something to you, gave you the power and motivation
You will face the night until the sun rises again
You build a fire, create a shelter, and slept through the night
You provided yourself with a care that proved the potential you had within
And just like that, the soft light you remember eases onto the planet
Love's endless circuit