Martha cried, Lord, if you'd been near
My brother wouldn't lie in death's cold fear
Jesus said, Your brother will rise
I'm the resurrection and the life
Do you believe in who I am
The Son of God, the risen Lamb
Yes, Lord, she said, her faith proclaimed
You are the Messiah, in your name
I am the resurrection, I am the life
The one who believes will never die
Even through sorrow through darkest night
I bring the dead to life
Mary wept at His holy feet
Lord, if you'd come, this wouldn't be
Jesus wept, His heart was torn
But through His tears, His power was sworn
Roll the stone, let death retreat
Watch the glory of God complete
Lazarus, rise He called with might
From the grave came eternal light
I am the resurrection, I am the life
The one who believes will never die
Even through sorrow through darkest night
I bring the dead to life
Unwrap him, let him go
Death has lost, let life now show
Father, hear, let them believe
Your power gives hope Your love redeems
I am the resurrection, I am the life
The one who believes will never die
Even through sorrow through darkest night
I bring the dead to life
In every grave, in every tear
His voice will call, Child, I am near
The stone will move, the light will glow
Resurrection and life forever known