Dyin's a very horrible thing to think 'bout
Everythin's gotta terrible side that they don't wanna shout
But everyone's gon' die, it's not a good thing though
I don't wanna be the king of nothin'
If I gain any money it gon' go to the fam who need it most
Now to get on the topic of what I could do
I would stop the ones preyin' on innocents n' helpin' out others
I would fight wars n' help out my country
I would never go to the light n' wear the dark laundry
There's multiple things that I could do
When the bell rings then I should go
I'll raise hell dependin' on my mood though
I'd make use of my gift if God made me immortal
I'd help those in need n' maybe make 'em unkillable
I'd give my immortality to make some wounds vanish
This isn't abnormal, this is just what I like to rap 'bout
Many people say I need a job but trust me I'm tryin' to find one
Right now my job's makin' music n' bein' a son n' a student
But if I couldn't die, I'd give blood to the dyin'
If I was immortal I'd explore the world even if it keeps hurtin'
If I had powers I'd make a team of heroes who fight for the weak
If I couldn't die, I'd do so many things
But y'all know that bein' unkillable is a fantasy
But who knows, maybe in the future somethin' impossible might happen
If I was invincible I'd just end villains like Galactus
But I know no one's invincible that's practically impossible
But like I said, somethin' may happen in the future
When I was young I'd always draw my favorite heroes from movies n' TV shows
There's countless ones I've been drawin' when I'm bored
I'd draw the infinity gauntlet, wolverine's claws, the captain's shield
But too wimpy on the field, lotta people believin' that he was killed
I've always wondered, is vibranium stronger than adamantium
'Cause when Logan was filled with it, I wondered
But if I couldn't die, I'd give blood to the dyin'
If I was immortal I'd explore the world even if it keeps hurtin'
If I had powers I'd make a team of heroes who fight for the weak
If I couldn't die, I'd do so many things