Teach love to others
Choose my work
Find that special someone
Try not to be a jerk
Raise a family
Raise some hell
Pay it forward
Cast a spell
Want for nothing
By nothing held
It springs eternal
Every day
Before you blink
It's passed away
It's never easy
It's always hard
Forget the future
Forget the past
Hope springs eternal
Hope springs eternal
To suffer woes which hope thinks infinite
Forgiving wrongs darker than death or night
And can you mock my agony
In cloudless radiant calm?
Monarch of the Silver Night
Will I smell your flowers bright?
Pearly dew drops keep those fires alight
The tempest in my soul, so fierce
How can the wind so still
Whilst I in powerless silence lie
Lightning striking every hill
Every tie that links me here is dead
Mysterious fate, your mandate I obey
Since hope and peace and joy for me are fled
I come terrific power
I come, away!
Hope springs eternal
Want for nothing
Hope springs eternal
Want for nothing
Hope springs eternal
Want for nothing
By nothing held
Hope springs eternal
By nothing held
Hope springs eternal
Teach love to others
Choose my work
Hold, spring's eternal
Find that special someone
Try not to be a jerk