Lady on the platform draws another crowd
Inviting all to pay and see
Freak show trailer home behind her
Served her well for years
Clientele in droves here
Read the sign that hangs behind her
We were all born alive, born to live
Born as it were of natural parents
And though at times our lives don't make much sense
We were all born alive, born to live
We were all born alive
Many people are quite alarmed
By things like a two-headed fetus in a jar
Or her son, her only one
With his off the wall sayings like
"Now wait a minute, you chicks"
Lord O Mercy, Tennessee
The original, all right
Thousand words of mystery
Not a man for low cars
Off-green van for Mudshark
Hard-sell Zappa schooled promoter
He smiles and tell them
We were all born alive, born to live
Born as it were of natural parents
And though at times our lives don't make much sense
We were all born alive, born to live
We were all born alive