What if it were you?
What if it were your son?
Would you care then?
Would you care then?
Too many fallen
Too many gone
One is more than enough
One is more than enough
Who said it's ok while they were standing by?
When will enough be enough?
And What if it were you?
What if it were your son?
Would you care then?
Would you care then?
Oh what if it were you?
What if it were your child
Would you care then?
Would you care then?
Oh what if?
What if?
Imagine you were running on a bright spring morning
Next thing you know it's lights out, Mummy's crying and mourning
Imagine walking home, just minding your own, next thing you know, you're face down on the road.
You ain't affiliated with a gang, just tryina make some money where you can; now you're begging for your life; "Please" hands up saying "I can't breathe"
"Officer hear me please, I am not your enemy, is this the cost of being free?"
And What if it were you?
What if it were your son?
Would you care then?
Would you care then?
Oh what if it were you?
What if it were your child
Oh what if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
Would you care then?
Would you?
What if it were you?
What if it were your child
Oh Lord
My My My My
Oh yeah.