We stand on the deck on the stern of the ship
The Captain and I
Watching the wake, as backwards we look
On time gone by
As we relive the year and the very long days
The winds of change are rustling the sails
It's calm out tonight, with the salty spray
From zephyr winds across my face
We stand in silence, the Captain and I
Gazing back on time gone by
But it hasn't always been like this
I think of the time when I clung to the rail
When anchor and rope and hope had failed
I think of the noise of the pounding rain
The jars and the jolts of a craft in pain
When boom and sail and faith had been flailing
My footing in torrents of fear derailing
The crash of those waves still makes me quiver
For even the very timbers had shivered
I think of them battering all thru that night
And I wonder how I had even survived
We stand at the bow, at the front of the ship
The Captain and I
Watching the waters, watching the sky
Watching the hours passing by
The ship is surging, gaining on
Slicing into a future unknown
I wonder if other tempests may break
And what of the damage that's left in their wake
He seems to be hearing my every thought
And sensing the angst in which I was caught
But calm is his voice and steady his hand
My child, not if, but when
I glance at his firm and resolute face
And he draws me close into his embrace
And somehow the thought of His presence with me
During and after and in between
Felt infinitely safety more
Than sailing outside of any storm
The waters may not be safe
But He is
The weather may not be calm
But He is
The waves may not be gentle
But He is
The way may not be sure
But He is