I'm cold
You're running in a circle
And if I wasn't in the circle
You'd push me back into the circle, I know it
I wish I wasn't in this circle
I really wish you weren't running in a goddamn circle
It's not funny
You live, laugh, love, laugh, live
I'm with it
Run Sapiens
Run run run run
You live, laugh, love, laugh, live
I'm with it
Run Sapiens
Run run run run
And now, without warning, I'm baptized
Put it in context
Please put it in context
Amidst my excursion across the mountains of Orocovis, I met a wise man whose bare presence emanated a semblance that could only be delineated as ubiquitous or enlightened.
I asked whether or not he believed that the concept of strings could be reconciled with the cosmological constant that is dark energy.
To which he replied, "No me im-f*cking-porta acho."
Can we make it my fellow sapiens?
I said can we make it my fellow sapiens?
Do you wanna cry homo sapiens? Do you wanna cry?
Can you feel it?
I guess there really is a hell