To the masters of the universe, I've got to spin this verse for bad or worse
Til the earth sees the curse of that serpents sin in it's hurst
But first you know I'm gonna give props, thank you Lord
Tell me where do I begin
Forever and ever amen
To the masters of the universe, I've got to kick this verse for bad or worse
Til the earth sees the curse of that serpents sin in it's hurst
They try to get us to give up
We won't fall off the edge of their cult centered wheelchair
We won't hit rock bottom, we woke up and clued that they weren't there
But she was; Thank You Lord for the Mother church
Holy, Holy in union with the the one masterful and true Lord
But all you other masters, all you masters in your own minds
I do hope that soon you're gonna find
There is just one true master, and His name is Jesus Christ
So the master of my universe, sure as hell won't be you
No, no, no, no, you'll never silence Christ's little lambs, no, no
To the masters of the universe, I've got to get this verse for bad or worse
Til the earth sees the curse of that serpents sin in it's hurst
To the masters of the universe, I'm gonna give this verse for bad or worse
Til the earth sees the curse of that serpents sin in it's hurst
They know we'll never give up
We won't fall off the edge of their cult centered wheelchair
We won't hit rock bottom, we woke up and clued that they weren't there
But She was; Thank You Mother Mary
Holy, Holy in union with the the one masterful and true Lord
But all you other masters, all you masters in your own minds
I do hope that soon you're gonna find
There is just one true master, and His name is Jesus Christ
So the master of my universe, sure as hell won't be you
No, no, no, no, you'll never silence Christ's little lambs, no, no
What are they gonna do
Lie; berate good people all over the world wide web, or their tower magazine
Good Christians, how's that working for them
There's only one true master, so they might as well know
No, no, no, no, you'll never silence Christ's little lambs, no, no
Theres only one true master and His name isn't governing body
Bless you