In the beginning
Was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
Jesus is the Great Creator
He is the Word of God
Jesus is our Mediator
He is the Anointed One
Jesus is the Comforter the Counselor
He is the lamb of God
Jesus is the Morningstar the Dayspring
He's the Cornerstone our Redeemer
He is our Deliverer
He is our High Priest
He is the Holy One The Chosen One
He is El-Shaddai
He is the Son of God
He is our Rock and Shield
He is the Word of God
He is the Way He is the Truth
He is the Life He is the Resurrection
He's the Fire from Heaven
He's the Faithful Witness
He's the Rock of Ages
He is the Final Judge
Who is this Jesus
Who is this Jesus
He is the Vine the Light The Mighty One
He is Jehovah Jireh The Just One
He's the Living Water
He's the Bread of Heaven
He's the lion of Judah
He's the Mighty God
He is The Great I Am
The First and Last
The Alpha, the Omega
The Beginning and the End
He's the Sin Forgiver
The Promise keeper
The Water walker The Storm ender
He's the Temple tosser
The Demon caster
The Crowd feeder
The Leper healer
He's the Death defeater
The Soul seeker
The Commission giver
The one and Only Way
Who is this Jesus
King of Kings
Who is this Jesus
Lord of Lords
He's the King of Kings
He's the Lord of lords
Who is this Jesus