A bush ablaze, yet not consumed
Moses approaches, his heart attuned
God's voice resounds, Take off your shoes
This holy ground, My presence imbues
I AM WHO I AM, the Lord declares
Go to Pharaoh, My people's cares
I'll be with you, your strength and guide
Lead them out, by My power abide
I've seen My people's misery
Their suffering in Egypt, their plea
I'll send you, Moses, to set them free
With signs and wonders, My power they'll see
I AM WHO I AM, the Lord declares
Go to Pharaoh, My people's cares
I'll be with you, your strength and guide
Lead them out, by My power abide
Moses hesitates, doubts his own might
But God assures, I'll make it right
I AM WHO I AM, the Lord declares
Go to Pharaoh, My people's cares
I'll be with you, your strength and guide
Lead them out, by My power abide
The call of Moses, a mission divine
To free His people, in His time