I gave you love, I called you mine
Yet you have run a thousand times
Like winds that chase the drifting sand
You've turned away from my command
Yet still, my heart won't let you go
Though you have sinned, My love will show
I'll lead you back, I'll heal your shame
If you would only call My name
Oh, return to the Lord, He is gracious to save
Slow to anger, full of grace
Though we wander, though we fall
Still, He calls, still, He calls
The locust swarms, the harvest fades
A shadow falls across the plains
The trumpet sounds, the judgment nears
Yet mercy waits beyond the years
Pour out Your Spirit, send the rain
Revive these hearts, remove the stains
A people lost, yet hope remains
The Lord will hear, the Lord will reign
Oh, return to the Lord, He is gracious to save
Slow to anger, full of grace
Though we wander, though we fall
Still, He calls, still, He calls
You build your homes on others' pain
You turn from truth, you mock My name
The plowman runs, the harvest dies
Your feasts are full, yet I despise
Let justice flow, let mercy rise
A flood of grace before your eyes
For though the nations rise and boast
Their pride will fall, their rule is ghost
A day will come, a light will shine
A King will rise, forever kind
The ruins rise, the land restored
And every knee will call You Lord
Oh, return to the Lord, He is gracious to save
Slow to anger, full of grace
Though we wander, though we fall
Still, He calls, still, He calls
The mountains sing, the rivers run
The war is past, the peace begun
From Zion's hill, the world will see
The Lord is King, eternally