We heard of faith so bold and bright
A shining lamp, a guiding light
Through trials deep, through fire and pain
Still, you hold fast in Jesus' name
Not in vain, your labor stands
Your hope is held in sovereign hands
The Word has spread, the truth is known
His grace sustains, you're not alone
Oh, hold fast, stand firm
The Lord is near, let your hearts not turn
Through darkest night, through trials long
The King is coming, forever strong
The King is coming, forever strong
Walk in love, in holiness
Clothed in light, in righteousness
Encourage hearts, build one another
Love as Christ, like sister, brother
For not in wrath, but grace we stand
Our future held in His command
The trumpet sounds, the dead will rise
And we'll be caught up in the skies
Oh, hold fast, stand firm
The Lord is near, let your hearts not turn
Through darkest night, through trials long
The King is coming, forever strong
The man of sin, the world deceived
Yet by His breath, they will retreat
For lawless ones will fade away
When Jesus comes to judge the day
So do not fear, do not fall
Stay steadfast, faithful through it all
The mystery's known, the end is clear
Our Savior reigns, His time is near
Oh, hold fast, stand firm
The Lord is near, let your hearts not turn
The battle's won, the victory's sure
The King is reigning forevermore
Now may the peace of Christ be yours
In every trial, through every storm
Be steadfast strong, let faith arise
Till we see Him with our eyes