Not by law, not by deeds
Not by striving to be free
Grace has called, grace has won
Through Christ alone, the work is done
No chains remain, no fear inside
The curse is gone, I'm justified
By faith alone, through love He saves
No turning back, I stand in grace
Oh, I am free, no more a slave
By grace alone, through faith I'm saved
No longer bound, no debt remains
In Christ alone, I'm whole again
You foolish heart, why run away
Why trade His love for chains again
The law reveals, but cannot save
It leads to Christ, the only way
The Spirit speaks, the flesh must die
I walk by faith, my soul revived
No Jew, no Greek, no slave, no free
In Christ we stand, in Christ we breathe
Oh, I am free, no more a slave
By grace alone, through faith I'm saved
No longer bound, no debt remains
In Christ alone, I'm whole again
Love and joy, patience, peace
Kindness, faith, let these increase
Not by works, but by His hand
We walk in truth, in freedom stand
Oh, I am free, my chains undone
No longer I, but Christ alone
He lives in me, He leads the way
Forever free, I stand in grace
The cross my boast, the world now fades
A new creation, born by grace
I bear His mark, I run this race
Until I see Him face to face
Oh, I am free, no more a slave
By grace alone, through faith I'm saved
No longer bound, no debt remains
In Christ alone, I'm whole again
The cross my boast, the world now fades
A new creation, born by grace
I bear His mark, I run this race
Until I see Him face to face