From the land, from the sea, creatures great and small
God's Word divides, for His people's call
What to eat, what to leave behind
In every choice, His will we find
Clean and unclean, by His design
Holiness in every line
What we take, what we leave behind
In holy living, peace we find
The cud they chew, the hoof they split
These are clean, for us they're fit
But others crawl, or swarm or fly
Unclean they are, we pass them by
Clean and unclean, by His design
Holiness in every line
What we take, what we leave behind
In holy living, peace we find
And in Christ, the law fulfilled
No more bound, yet still we yield
To His Word, in freedom true
Living holy, just like You
Clean and unclean, by His design
Holiness in every line
What we take, what we leave behind
In holy living, peace we find
Clean and unclean, now we see
A shadow of what's meant to be