You can take this song no no alright.
Let me tell you about this story.
I was like a little girl
Everybody thinks so you can see the picture, this is ain't though
Not gunna get painful make something happen everybody thinks so.
The weakest man id thirsty Left D everybody questions nl? pd?
Something's gotta happen people can be broken one of those days you you got to (make it) happen.
You know past just the past.
Take a test fast.
Participate in the main class with the cast.
No liquor i don't need dope (you)gotta cancel.
Every single day and night holding your hands up.
Ten seconds down right.
지나갔어 the period.
With him with her.
You don't even think about the past and a backer.
No fear anything. i'm gonna carry on.
Ain't nobody wanna see you got me.
I'll never let you down.
I'm so deep in you, right?
I'm so deep in you, right?
I'm so deep in you, i'm so deep in you, i'm so deep in you right?
(everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started).
I'm so deep in you, i'm so deep in you, i'm so deep in you right?
(everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started you need to get the party).
Dance with me dance with me dance with me dance with me dance with me
집단최면 파시즘의 부활, 본능적인 끝을 향한 세계뿐이다
대중조작 상업주의 페러다임 이미지로 먹고사는 엘리트 너
연기만이 대중들을 사로잡아 널 번영 아닌 변질을 꿈꿔
해변위의 공장 파괴 결박된 두손 자유
I'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you right?
I'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you right?
I'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you right?
(everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started)
I'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you i'm so deep in you right?
(everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started everybody gets the party started you need to get the party)