This idea of thinking transformatively from the inside
Acquires character and structure if we think of being minded
As standing in the midst of Being
Our capacity to think implies that our views about what it means to exist
Or how we might live, generally and in the here and now
Can undergo transformation.
Education is the original event of transformative thinking
[McInerney 2021, page 113]
Stay true to yourself
Climb up the mountain
And if you need help
I'll be there for you
If you need to change
Remember where you came from
And know
That I came from there, too
Philosophy, like the drop of the down beat
Does not stand in a world all by itself
But acknowledges and anticipates and thereby
Sustains the total dynamic range of our questioning
Only because we can reflect on our accordance
Can we resolve our discord
And consider its myriad potentials
[McInerney 2021, page 5]
Stay true to yourself
Climb up the mountain
And if you need help
I'll be there for you
If you need to change
Remember where you came from
And know
That I came from there, too
If philosophy is the activity of self-understanding as such
Then it is happening in some way or other wherever there are thinking beings
If that is true, then philosophy happens profoundly in education
Which is about how to understand ourselves and the world in which we live
Educators bring the world into view for others
They wake children to the world in the first place
Teaching them how to think in relation to things in general
They do this by introducing children to language
That dynamic repository of history, the living embodiment of mind
And the effect, the fundamental achievement of education in that very broad sense
Is a metaphysical transformation
It is the advent of metaphysics in the individual
At the same time, to be able to do philosophy
Is to be able to educate in turn
To be able to help bring the world into view for others
That is indeed to say something about education that is fundamental
For if the result of education is the possibility of philosophy
Of metaphysics' getting under way
Then that means the monumental achievement of education
Is nothing less than the renewed possibility of education itself
[McInerney 2021, page 59]