Thought I'd go for a walk in the woods
Just an overnight, just to see if I could
Juts a small tent and a sleeping bag
Not a long journey just there and back
Spent a few weeks gathering all my stuff
Read all the books it didn't seem too tough
Some freeze dried food and a clean mess kit
Plenty of water, that seemed about it
Lost my map and I broke my knife
Couldn't start a fire to save my life
I thought this would be so easy
But that's what you get from watching too much TV
Fat Man VS Wild Fat Man VS Wild
Fat Man VS Wild Fat Man VS Wild
As I started out it started to rain
But nothing ventured nothing gained
Put on my hood and tightened my pack
My foolish pride wouldn't let me turn back
Kept on trudging up that hill
Nothing to keep me going except pure will
But that path kept going on and on
And pretty soon my will was gone
When I got to the top of the peak
I fell down in a tired and dirty heap
My well-packed gear was all soaking wet
About that the time I started to get upset
There were no lean to's so I broke out my tent
But the rain fly was missing and some poles were bent
Tried to start a fire but a failed in that plan
So I ate cold Spagettios right out of the can