Great tyrannical ruler of Rome
Built on fear from his subjects below
Oppression from the powers that be
Only in fear his subjects be free
Caligula was a sadist at heart
He loved to watch love torn apart
Forced upon his sexual desire
Watch upon with your soul on fire
Abusing ordained power at the expense of his own people
A self proclaimed god but devil to everyone else
A lover of executions and needless prolonged torture
You will fight each other
Mutilate and finish off the other
For this is an empire built upon building blocks of fear
Roman emperor Caligula
What he commands you should adhere
Friendships and lovers torn apart
Severed limbs, death or broken hearts in the name of his morbid art
Caligula was a sadist at heart
He loved to watch love torn apart
Forced upon his sexual desire
Watch upon with your soul on fire
Great tyrannical ruler of Rome
Built on fear from his subjects below
Oppression from the powers that be
Only in fear his subjects be free
For this is an empire built upon building blocks of fear
Roman emperor Caligula
What he commands you should adhere
Friendships and lovers torn apart
Severed limbs, death or broken hearts in the name of his morbid art
Morbid art
Sick of his tyranny
His own body guards threw his body to the ground
Proceeding to chop off his head and leaving him to pay for his crimes in death