Back in 98 where those system had been made
Where our government had passed it out and the bill had been stated
To all my fellow mates who had been incarcerated
They locked you up for a very long term instead if rehabilitate
Open your eyes, a decade had passed, unjustified!
Families had been destroyed
These systems you've set, had proven it's wrong and it's time for us to voice it out and we need to revolt
Together we destroy these f*cking LT System
Together we voice out all of our angered
Together we abolish these f*cking f*cking LT System
A decade had passed and it had make no any difference
A minimum sentence of 5 years for LT1
Minimum of 7 years for LT2
Just for the wrong doing of drug abuse which is not doing any good
To all my fellow mates who had been incarcerated
They locked you up for a very long term instead of rehabilitate