As I walked the gallows on these very day
Pictures of my lives starts to play like a record tape
From the day I was born up to this final day
I never thought that I would give my life away
Born as an innocent child mother's hold me tight
Raised me up with all odds and all of her might
The beauty of her smile and the beauty of life
I'll never forget how she'd cherish me all these while
Now's the Time for me
To send my last regards
As the rope has being mounted to my neck
To all my families and my friends
This is my last chance to say goodbye
You had been a great part of my life
This is my last chance to say goodbye
Remember those time you told me the beauty of these world
But I grew up on the other side of the world
Well the word struggled means nothing to me
You put joy in me,wipe out all my misery