Here's no hope potential
Sexy Quasimodo
Taking global local
Loosening the screws
Permanent hiatus
Sci-fi apparatus
Loving that you hate us
Hard sell interviews
Swim in Mandarin
Un-sew your wild oats
Before you're in the back of a hearse
Lizard lady men
Lonelier than lust
Waiting till you all turn to dust
Tomato or tomato
Too much on my Plato
Greasing up my elbows
Misspelling misspelt
Losing me at hello
Play defensive gung-ho
Dying in the shadows
Heaven sounds like hell
Swim in Mandarin
Un-sew your wild oats
Before you're in the back of a hearse
Lizard lady men
Lonelier than lust
Waiting till you all turn to dust
Swim in Mandarin
Un-sew your wild oats
Before you're in the back of a hearse
Lizard lady men
Lonelier than lust
Waiting till you all turn to dust