We made you coolies understand
When you told us "no" before
You'll buy what we sell
And we'll kowtow to no one
We had a guarantee you know
And we paid the KMT well
You weren't supposed to win
You weren't supposed to win
You weren't in the club
You didn't shake our hands
You yellow bastards didn't play
Good thing you're just chinks
Peasants are never threats
To movers and shakers like us
You're just backward primitives
You don't know civilization
Don't ask us
About our collapsing workforce
Don't ask us
About our criminal immorality
Don't ask us
About our income inequality
Don't ask us
Who'd die for our cause
Our pet bear didn't scare you
Nor our holy cow and Tibetan spooks
But, don't underestimate us, Chinaman
We've just allowed you to exist
Sure, we want your cheap goods
And you to keep our dollar afloat
Our people don't want to work
And now you're capitalists, right
We like how the Japs kiss our feet
Why don't you do the same
You coolies are just too proud
Don't you know we always win
We pretend you suppress revolution
One cooked up by our CIA
While we teach our people to hate you
Using politically correct racism
Don't ask us
If we've ever fought a real war
Don't ask us
If we've ever had to starve
Don't ask us
To compare revolutions
Don't ask us
If we've ever really struggled