Febuary 14th comes around
And I'm lonely, but I'm not down
I know there's still a girl for me
A girl with green eyes, long blonde hair
With a smile and without a care
At least that's what my friends believe
But she's imaginary
"She's so lovely, you'd never forget her
But she's at another school, that's why you haven't met her
But she's kept me captivated from our very first kiss
And best of all: she definitely exists"
Happy Valentine's Day girl
I'd be holding you now, if you weren't on vacation on the other side of the world
But I still think about the good and the bad, the times yet to come and the times that we've had and
All those pretty things you said when I literally can't get you out of my head
Amanda Jones, Amanda Smith-I never remember which one it is
But you never seem to mind
You don't care when I tell everyone about the hot and nasty stuff we've done
And how I've seen you naked a bunch of times
Well, it's alright...
Well she doesn't haven't Facebook, don't even try
And she's never allowed out on weeknights
I'm not desperate enough to make all this up
I finally found someone real, stop trying to break us up
Happy Valentine's Day girl
I'd be holding you now, if you weren't on vacation on the other side of the world
But I still think about the good and the bad, your supermodel best friend and the threesome we had and
All those sexy things you said when I literally can't get you out of my...
Valentine's Day is a living hell
When your girlfriend doesn't exist in the physical realm
I've only got those cards you sent
Our handwriting's similar, I'm pretty sure that's just a coincidence