Strange day ran away with a spoon in June and Milky Way
Goodbye skies of golden burning
Light too dark put out adjourning
Colors in your eyes are turning
Misty memory of the polyester soft machine
Jukebox Joni silver-screening
Sea-foam celluloid revealing
Cartoon cutouts on the ceiling
Turn on transistors. Hiss whisper
In deep phase all ablaze
New scene, so serene as we dance our William Tell Routine
Swing Victrola Betty Pages
Laugh and cry on mini stages
Transmit transit different ages
Tune out your scripture to picture blue ages portrait paint
Fades radio broadcast waves held our gaze
Tune out your scripture to picture blue ages portrait
Strange day ran away with a spoon in June and Milky Way
Goodbye skies of golden burning
Light too dark put out adjourning
Strange day ran away with a spoon in June and Milky Way
Goodbye skies of golden burning
Light too dark put out adjourning