How many times have I thought it over|Thinking I might never find a shoulder|To lay my head on every night, with the kinda harms gonna hold me right|How many times have I thought it over| | But in your kiss| I'm as close to heaven as I can get| I'd be lying if I said | My lips have tasted love this sweet| My heart ain't never found a beat that fits| But it did, in your kiss| |You were rough as a tough old back road|I was soft as cotton just a blowin' where the wind blows|You were rockin' thinking nothing could slow you down, I was thinking that too till you came around|You were rough as a tough old back road| | But in your kiss| I'm as close to heaven as I can get| I'd be lying if I said | My lips have tasted love this sweet| My heart ain't never found a beat that fits| But it did, in your kiss| |Ain't it funny how sometimes|Love can look you in the eye|I never felt it until it hit|In your kiss||