Hello, heart
I got a couple things to say
And I know right now I'm real hard not to hate
And I don't blame you
Cause I do too
You don't deserve half the hell I put you through
You're a pretty damn good one
At least that's what they say
But if I woulda followed you a little more
I coulda saved you a lot of breaks
If I wasn't so selfish, wasn't so dumb
Wasn't so good at messing good things up
We both know you'd still be in one piece
Can't turn back time, can't make a wrong right
Sure as hell can't tell you why
It's just a trying to get better confession and apology
But at least it's a start
I'm sorry, heart
Hello, heart
Well I'm sorry I didn't listen
Before we were just sitting here praying for a way to fix it
If I could get her on the phone, I'd let you say every word
Cause you're the only chance I've got of getting through to her
Leave it up to me to break two hearts at once
I wouldn't have to be telling you what's done is done
If I wasn't so selfish, wasn't so dumb
Wasn't so good at messing good things up
We both know you'd still be in one piece
Can't turn back time, can't make a wrong right
Sure as hell can't tell you why
It's just a trying to get better confession and apology
But at least it's a start
I'm sorry, heart
I can't lie and tell ya it'll be okay
Cause girls like her when they love you
They don't leave you the same
If I wasn't so selfish, wasn't so dumb
Wasn't so good at messing good things up
We both know you'd still be in one piece
Can't turn back time, can't make a wrong right
Sure as hell can't tell you why
It's just a trying to get better confession and apology
But at least it's a start
I'm sorry, heart
I'm sorry, heart