I can give you everything, I can give you everything you want
Be by my side, I will give you everything you want
I can give you everything, I can give you everything you need
Let me be the man, let me be the hand that feeds
Give me what I want, cause I need it
I'm in control, cause I am the man
I gotta do this babe, I gotta do it now, this war
I'm in control, and you know I've done this before
With my gun in my hand, you know nothings there but sand
And as soon as we land, you know I will lead as the man
Give me what I want cause I need it
Let me bring it home, I am the man
Wherever I wanna go, I'll bring them one hell of show
You are the one I'm doing it for, babe, well I'm going to war
Cause I am your man
With the machinegun in your hand, you're sure to make one hell of a fight
But before the brake of dawn he sees this burning light so bright
There is bullets all around, buddies bodies all around, all right
And then the frights sets in for real, he can feel that burning steel, all night
Now he's got nowhere to go, and thinking what the hell is it for
So he sees the oil boils, in flames, the hypocrisy all ashamed
He's thinking of the folks back home, of the tough love he's always shown
Could that really all be gone now, please God throw me a bone
I'm not a man
Wherever you want me to go, please tell me who to be
You are the man
If you want me to lie here and die now, please accept my bow
You are the man
I surrender to you my sweet Lord, I know what I've been doin' this for
I know it's all about the black gold, I've been killing for gold
I'm not a man
Keep up on everything seems
Keep up on everything
Do everything you gotta do
Do it now