They sent some mint up into space
It grew on the outside of a rocket
Not much just a tiny leaf
Sticking out from beneath a rivet
The radiation didn't kill it
The lack of air didn't kill it
The Sun's blazing light didn't kill it
The dark freezing night didn't kill it
The mission lasted quite some time
Ten million orbits all in all
When the rocket splashed back down to Earth
The mint had covered the entire hull
Some of it was hot pink
Some of it was glow in the dark
Some of it had compound eyes
Some of it spoke in a raspy voice
The mint is a nasty weed invasive
That humans just love the taste of
So it lasted enduring pervasive
When they sent some up into space
Mint up into space
On the outside of a rocket
Some of it had compound eyes
Some of it was glow in the dark
The radiation didn't kill it
The lack of air didn't kill it
When it splashed back down to Earth
It had covered the entire hull
Mint up into space
Nasty weed invasive
Humans humans just love the taste of
And it lasted enduring pervasive