Thank you for watching
I've got nothing else to say
Laughing or sobbing
Your reaction is yours anyway
To think, did I care
Or did I just stay for the convenience
Was it too much to bear
This was nothing close to a second chance
I don't go to bed I don't sleep
I couldn't if I tried
But even you thought I was asleep
I held my tears and yet I still cried
Then shit hit the fan
And now we're both hurt
We couldn't solve this if we ran
Because the shit would still be in the fan
I hate you with all my heart
Yet you're everything I believed in
I would say you played your part
But I think you forgot your double casted
We both saw our world fall
Our differences faded to gray
We didn't care at all
Because we couldn't act we could just say
I'm scared
But everything I've done
Tells me I'm not
It's not fair
But I would hate to see
If it was
So now I applaud
Your final efforts to sanity
Even though they're seemingly flawed
I can commend your insanity