Oti to Jo meta
Teti ri mini ta
So don't try to pint a finger
Steady racing kilometer
Tori mode di singer
Shay bii nah mummy give me ginger
Shabii Ori omo sha lo gbo omo
When no body turn up
No be lie yarusullilah
Sho re kan fun mii uncommon
Shabii Ori omo sha lo gbo omo
When no body turn up
No be lie yarusullilah
Sho re kan fun mii uncommon
All in now
Dragon boy all over the town
Jaye labogin
Gbomo who terrasini
So you can't calm me down
All in now
Gbam gbam gbam
You feeling the sound
Jaye labogin
Gbomo who terrasini
So you can't calm me down
Bawo loshe maje
When you gat someone to love you and care
So for all I care
Nobody tell me nothing you gat no idea
Life is a seesaw
So don't be pissed off
Time in my mind thought I never meet up
Moti Dey bus stop
Never giving up
Ogun esu wo mogba dollars non stop
Shabii Ori omo sha lo gbo omo
When no body turn up
No be lie yarusullilah
Sho re kan fun mii uncommon
All in now
Dragon boy all over the town
Jaye labogin
Gbomo who terrasini
So you can't calm me down
All in now
Gbam gbam gbam
You feeling the sound
Jaye labogin
Gbomo who terrasini
So you can't calm me down