The year was 1994
A roughly 80 pound Darius Sanders
Was in 8th grade
Hanging out with his friends
As well as some acquaintances
One of the kids standing across from darius
Began to make fun of him
Darius Sanders didn't like that very much
As he clenched his fists
That person began to laugh at him
As Sergio laughed at him he said
What are you going to do
Are you going to hit me
I dare you to hit me
Darius Sanders was a small guy
But he was a smart guy as well
And what Darius Sanders was thinking was
How can i hit this guy and still get away with it
So what Darius Sanders did
Is he took a swing for him as hard as he could with his right hand
Clocked Sergio right in the cheek
Ya see
In our everyday life
By sharing a few videos with you guys
Faced with conflict from the human kind
Fight or flight
In the case of the 80 pound 8th grader
It was both fight and flight
We will put it into action put it into practice
In our everyday life
Got em
You gon wanna close your eyes
Do you make sure that there is no conflict inside of your life or throughout your day
Do you go the loooonnnnng way
Ya see
Im sure that if you are someone with that wolf like mentality
You're doing all that you can to live at peace
Lets pray
We thank you that we get an opportunity to come to church today
To hear from you
And to find out
What you would have us do
God what im praying is that your word would be heard loud and clear
And that's what will stick in peoples mind moving forward
God i pray
That we understand more about you today
I pray in Jesus name
The best way to handle conflict