Baby I'm waste
I all wanna do is drive home
To you baby
I'm faded
All I wanna do is drive home
To you baby
I wanna call your phone
But Ik you did me wrong
You see the love I have for you
Is really so strong
Well I did before
Love you so much
But you broke me
My heart is into dust
U ever been broken
To the point
U ain't ureself
Always stressing over
Someone u really
Need some help
Its devastating
We really start wilding
For a man and female
Damn we get to crying
Cuz we care about ppl
Who really ain't nun
When they show
Their tru colors
We be wondering and thinking
Wat happened to the good times
It was all fine
Now it's just bad times
Ya wanna commit a crime
Murder each other
One of ya hurt
The love is faded
Ik ya can't take it
Baby I'm waste
I all wanna do is drive home
To you baby
I'm faded
All I wanna do is drive home
To you baby
It's a hard pill
But swallow it
No dr pill
Cuz u need
Think this though
Before the blood spill
Ik how it feels
I Got played
And heartbroken
Wat cure me
Was my secret potion
My advice to everyone
Just understand the person
Read their vibes
Get to know them
Before they are chosen
In this world
We only get a few chances
Just to prove ourselves
But when they do us
Thts when we lose ourselves
I can't trust u now
U cheated
Just leave now
Go to him since
U love him
U let him kill wow
Our love is gone
Everything is done
I feel light headed
Thts how I know the
Love is faded
Baby I'm waste
I all wanna do is drive home
To you baby
I'm faded
All I wanna do is drive home
To you baby