It turns out I was just a bet
My instincts were right when we first met
It was all about getting that light skin girl
I'm done with your shenanigans
I thought you weren't like those hooligans
I love his soft side
He's a nice guy
Girl, come on
I should've listened to my friends
Sadly, they were right
You're just another Cooley High brotha
Talkin' 'bout your throbbing manhood
Preachin' that you ain't like the others
Well, why don't you use that brain for something good?
Playin' jacks on dingy floors
Mistreatin' every girl you score
I'm here to tell you I won't be treated like a toy
This is my goodbye to you, Leroy
Cooley High brotha
Have fun with your writing career
You'll find your feet in Hollyweird
I'm sure there's a sexist screenplay in your wheelhouse
Don't call me ever again
I'm not interested in being your girlfriend
I'm focusing on me, myself and I
That's right
And I would never return to you
I have too much pride
You're just another Cooley High brotha
Talkin' 'bout your throbbing manhood
Preachin' that you ain't like the others
Well, why don't you use that brain for something good?
Always saying"That's what she said!"
Innuendoes running through your head
Love is gone
I'm not gonna fill your void
This is my goodbye to you, Leroy
Cooley High brotha
Why is it so hard for you to let go?
You're the most asinine man I have ever known
Playin' hooky with your friends
And stealing people's cars
A good-for-nothing goon, Leroy
That is what you are
Leroy, that is what you are
You're just another Cooley High brotha
Talkin' 'bout your throbbing manhood
Preachin' that you ain't like the others
Well, why don't you use that brain for something good?
You say they'll amount to nothing
And you're the one who's destined for great things
But I don't think you're different from those boys
Get your act together, Leroy
Cooley High brotha
Cooley High brotha
Woooo, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Cooley High brotha
Goodbye, Leroy