I'm sorry I couldn't help you
I'm sorry you lost your life
You took a deadly risk
I'm sorry for your wife
What were you supposed to do
Stay home and watch your family die
Or take a chance at freedom
Reach for the sky
Some say you should have known better
Say that you are a criminal
They don't know your fear, your pain, your hunger
For them it's the principle
Some say we were here first
It's not our problem
Despite your dire thirst
We're full, no more asylum
Let's ask them what they would do
If their family were faced with danger
If they're honest, they'd take a chance
Hope for kindness from a stranger
You tried to get in the front door
But it was slammed closed
So you swam the current
Despite the perilous flow
You never lost your grip
Though the river was not crossable
Only another parent can know
How that is even possible
Everyone can tell you loved your daughter
Even in that place
You never let her go
It was your final embrace