So here to Hawk Tuah, the legend lives on
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral on the Tiktok
In the hearts of the people, your story is told
A timeless reminder of a hero grow
From bedtime stories and novel book
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral on the Tiktok
Hawk Hawk Tuah Tuah
Ragga ragga pung pung pung
Pung pung pung
Ragga ragga pung pung pung
Through stormy weather, you stood tall
Loyal to the Raggapung, Steadfast and Blind
Your name will forever ring, in the heart
Raggapung pung pung pung
Hawk Tuah Tuah
Pung ragga pung pung pung
Tiktok tik tik tik tik
Tak tak tak tak
Tak tak tak tak
Tik tak tik tak tak
From the tales of your valor, to the strength of your will
Our legacy lives on, and it always will
Hawk Tuah Hawk Tuah Hawk Tuah
So here is the Hawk Tuah
In the heart of people
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral of the Tiktok
Tik tik tik tik
Tak tak tak tak
Raggapung pung pung pung
Tik tik tik tik
Tak tak tak tak
So here to Hawk Tuah, the legend lives on
So here to Hawk Tuah
From bedtime stories and novel book
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral on the Tiktok
Through stormy weather, you stood tall
Loyal to the Raggapung, Steadfast and Blind
Your name will forever ring, in the heart
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral on the Tiktok
Raggapung pung pung pung
Tik tik tik tik
Tak tak tak tak
Tik tik tik tik
Tak tak tak tak
The Hawk Hawk Hawk get viral on the Tiktok