by Radio Birdman
Got to get a line to Danno.
Got to pick up his gun.
Get out an APB.
Chinn is going to tell you why.
Government says it's high priority.
Washington say's so too.
Tell him to get here fast.
50's on the move.
Steve I gotta say Thank You,
For all you've done for me.
The nights are dark and lonely,
When you're not on TV.
There's an agent in the field.
I want to have him tailed.
He's staying at the Hilton.
He should be staying in Jail.
He's working for the KGB,
And here's his dossier.
The Feds won't be happy,
If this guy gets away.
Don't talk about espionage.
Hands on a bale of White.
Steve is one cool guy.
Danno's gonna tell you why.
Steve and Danno, they made the scene.
The agent had done his deed.
They saw the stiff, They saw the gun.
They said "Book him, Danno, murder one!"
Book him, Danno, murder one!