There's this guy that I know
He likes to show me videos
Something about Masters
Metallica, and sock puppet shows
Woah oh oh oh
There's this guy that I know
He's kin to Mr. Winnebago
Get this guy some Ginko
Biloba, cause he's going to blow
Some say that my humor
Is served up with a side of greens
That's why this guy and I
Can laugh about most anything
Well, what does that mean?
Well, the other day, he said this funny thing
It might not be funny to you, but it was funny to me
A word of encouragement
As you leave here, I want you to look around
And realize that everything that you see here
Is going to end up in a landfill
Could be he's got a point
We throw away a lot of stuff
Long as it brings money
We never say enough is enough
Blah di di duff
Every single pair of
Comfy grandma shoes that I own
Will end up right next to
Your swanky Jimmy Choo stilhettos
What have I got to show
Freedom is Farce, that's what
Some guy in a beard told me
Forget your art, and sweat
For nothing but a pile of green
I can see what he means
But I'm just gonna sit here and sing
La da da da da da da da da da dee dee dee deeeee
A word of encouragement
As you leave here, I want you to look around
And realize that everything that you see here
Is going to end up in a landfill