He's very short on looks
But long on decency.
He's long on decency,
He's very tame.
But he has made an awful hit with me since he
A hit with me, since he first came.
I have seen so well
He won't screen so well.
He's game!
Isn't he cute?
Isn't he sweet?
He's gentle and mentally
Nearly complete.
He's warm as
An oven.
He knows how
To love an'
I'm the girl friend!
Take her to dance!
Take her to tea!
It's stunning
How cunning this lady
Can be.
She ain't got
No culture.
She's keen as
A vulture.
She's the girl friend!
He is smart,
He's refined.
How can he be real?
He has heart,
He has mind.
Hell, the boy's ideal!
Isn't she cute?
Isn't she sweet?
An eyeful you'd die full
Of pleasure to meet.
In my [his] funny fashion
I'm [he's] cursed with a passion
For the girl friend.