Hear say run far away
Wrong you have done
You will pay
Lie and you steal
Game just a thrill
Think you have won?
Hold on still
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Run can't hide all around you
Think you are blessed?
Material success
Just like humpty dumpty
Land in a mess
Talk make amend
Your foe my friend
Every rope has an end
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Run can't hide all around you
Think you have it all?
Riding a fall
Think you have it all?
Never learn your lesson
Can you out run your shadow?
Limye behind you
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Cannot out run your shadow
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Your shadow, your shadow
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder
Limye behind you
Your shadow, your shadow, your shadow
Run can't hide all around you
Look over your shoulder