We're young and rotten, running through the house with cigarettes in our mouths
Trying to find a party
Abandoned and fragile, just like our mentality, where the girls are far to "girly"
Where deliberate runaways, run away
A place filled with drugs, and half these girls have babies
You roll in the sheets, with an amateur drunk you meet
And your mouth, it tastes like an ashtray
You don't look at the clock for time, it's more of a countdown until you die
So down, the bacardi
Christian girls don't have the time, for a stray cat, who wants to be high
"Waiting, to be spit out. 'Cause it's only the next step
In a f*cked up way it's the only thing, that's ever been real"
Swan dive into a lake of glass, join the dead club filled with stray cats
You're just a runaway
Lay around like you've been divorced, cheat death and be a traitor
You're just a runaway
Narcissism swells your head and the reason why is laying in your bed
I'll bite my tongue, light a smoke, trace around myself in chalk
To save the medic the work
What do you see here?
An ill gotten child raised by separation and misery
Filling a void with artificial happiness, treating every day as new years eve
Letting hope, love and regret dance together as if each one never bothered one another, free
A wish every morning that he was never conceived
The constant reminder that he will always be disappointing
By his father he is deemed idiocy
But his resolution is drinking and something that is about 20 stories and 216 ft