Walking downtown to a place I should've known
You're walking right beside me and I feel we've grown
Close by the door, it's just better when we listen
Wasting life away on the floor in the kitchen
I helped you make a list, I knew better than to tell you then
Life is made of lists, we exist to start again
Playing records in the house so loud we couldn't listen
To the beating of the drums far away in the distance
I knew you better then
Late night rides and lots of friends
All eyes on you, just count to ten
All alone on the porch again
Broke my heart because I know I didn't listen
Drinking orange soda on the floor in the kitchen
Heading out of town, found a place, starting somewhere new
Somewhere far away you're sure you're not used to
Close the door behind you, I know you don't listen
Playing to yourself all alone in the kitchen