Gabriel blew his trumpet decades ago
The sky peeled back
The stars snuffed out
An abyss pitch black
This land now belongs to the endlings
This land now belongs to the endlings
This world now belongs to the endlings
The roads are faded guidelines, once useful
Now you'll only find those who prey on their own brother's flesh
The dead waltz forever in the desert
Their minds are melted
Chasing phantoms in abandoned structures
As the years grind on
Fingers are offered up for sacrifice
Until none are left
Then replaced by whole limbs
This place takes and takes every fiber of your being
Then placed upon the altar
And as the prince of pain, revels, continues to devour
Hope for a paradise takes a new meaning
As I become a legate for the devil will
Commanding waves of malice
Mercy now crushed for the need to live
With life eating life
The smell of burning flesh
Envelopes the planet
The sun casts its gaze over this world
Breaking the backs of those caught
Vultures thrive on the carrion