Piles of corpses
Festering with disease
Thrown over brick walls
Ripe with plague
Biological warfare
Undiscriminating death
Against suffering
Killing an entire city without steel or force
Coughing blood and puss filled sacs far worse than the sword
Spreading like wild fire across all of Europe
Decimating empires invoked the wrath of god
Burning women at the stake, Blame this on their sin
The pope declares a lack of faith demands fear based conversions
Killing half of Europe 50 million dead
No hope for a solution as fear and panic spread
Insult adds to injury and justifies atrocity
As we look for someone to blame
Unimaginable suffering
Immense pain and agony
Nowhere to bury the dead
The stench of death is over bearing
Carried by fleas
Spread by trade
Spread by war
The black plague
A mass extinction, like never before
Worse than genocide, worse than war
Invisibly infecting, visibly grotesque
No hope for curing, the black death
Flu like symptoms, fever and chills
Swollen Lymph nodes, Boils all over the skin
Black spots
Horrible stench puss drainage
Unimaginable suffering
Immense pain and agony
Nowhere to bury the dead
The stench of death is over bearing
Carried by fleas
Spread by trade
Spread by war
The black plague
A mass extinction, like never before
Worse than genocide, worse than war
Invisibly infecting, visibly grotesque
No hope for curing, the black death