Did you know, that the gravity
On the moon is 17%
Of what it is on Earth
And when the astronauts land
They stumble, and they fall
They've forgotten what it's like
To be 100% of their weight
You see I've been living the life
Of an astronaut
Back and forth from the Earth
And the moon
The moon is my favorite
On the moon I carry 17%
Of my burdens
Only 25.5 pounds of sadness
Which makes me 83%
I don't like the Earth
On the Earth
I carry 100% of my burdens
150 pounds of sadness
Which makes me 0%
I do not want
To be an astronaut anymore
Oh me, oh my
Let me tell you what it's like
To be high
Oh high
High enough to taste the stars
To be ripped away from it
Thrown back to the Earth
Stumbling, and falling
You've forgotten what it's like
To be 100% of your burdens
Your problems, and your sadness
I do not want
To be an astronaut anymore
Teach me to walk
Or let me float on the moon
High, high
High enough
To taste the stars